
Here we will be posting the current version of the template

1.9 Error fixed on Featured nav dropdown, causing to look weird on mobile.
1.8 Color update no bg is white.
1.7 Decrease on size of the hero slides.
1.6 On Home Video Section, was added Video Lightbox to the small video posts.
1.5 Category boxes on the home page were not displaying well on landscape mode, fixed. Added "scale on hover" to categories boxes.
1.4 Some weird bugs that were causing some problems (Hero section to disappear on category page, featured section on the navbar to not showing featured posts, open a new page on empty links) were solved.
1.3 Categories on the Dropdown was removed. Category button added as Collection List, now Categories will be updated automatically.
1.1 Notice bar was removed. "Nav enter Nav leave" interaction added to Navigation
1.0 Initial template version.